Saturday, August 18, 2012


Good evening from Australia.

I was hoping to post something earlier but since i'm only using a nokia E5, blogger via mobile isn't working for me.

Today i should be studying for my math exam on monday as well as preparing for my speech for a role in the SRC but I am currently out at an internet cafe playing LOL (League of Legends).

I am not excited since I have preliminary/end of course exams coming up since that means that I will be starting my final year of high school next term.


What makes a good leader? Who is a leader?
We can say that a leader is this and that but really, what defines a leader? In business studies, we learnt that a leader motivates, leads, inspires and communicates.But is that all there really is to it? I guess that those four words branch off into different aspects of a leader but one thing for me is that a leader stands up for what they believe in. This makes everyone of us leaders in some way or another.

Leadership is a quality that is often difficult to obtain. I think it's something that we develop over time through our experiences may they be good or bad. Ever since I was younger, I would always like to take the lead. This may have been my ego but I enjoyed being the centre of attention. In a way, this developed my leadership skills and today, I still like to be the centre of attention, only when I'm around my friends.

In more recent times, I've been rather anti-social and disliked being around so many people with prying eyes. It's different in comparison to my younger days when I would ignore what people thought about me and I just didn't have a care in the world. This was when I realised that those that I thought were my friends were actually just selfish, attention-seeking low lives. Eventually, this developed into a disgust I had for those around me. I'm quite attentive to detail and this just made trust a bigger issue for me than it already was. I started calling everyone "scum" and "filth," degrading and dehumanising them in the way they were perceived in my eyes.

This is where I am at today. I am at a crossroad but I know what the right thing is. I just don't want to choose that option. But although that is currently an aspect of my life, I still have the "goodness" inside of me that yearns to do right, correcting all the wrong in the world. It might just be my the ambition of my younger self where I wanted to be some superhero and help all the people in the world. This has changed now. I am currently quite materialistic and a consumerist. Life as it know it is flashing by and I am just sitting back and delving in my past, present and future.

I've ranted on for quite a while and these thoughts aren't that edited, well, I haven't edited anything at all. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, and like me, yearning for those answers which you seek, yet you don't know what you really want. I hope that I have given some sort of insight into my thoughts today and I might post something later tonight.

NTS (note to self): I'm not sure if anyone is reading this or not but I guess this is my space where I can just throw out my thoughts. If you have any questions, please comment and I will try to reply ASAP.

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