Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Yes, Fuck You

Today was quite a wild day. It was a long day with good aspects to it though, there were also some which I'd rather not have happened. I went out with my friends today, the typical day where we just went to the city, ate and played around. What really put me off today was then when I said that I would go into a store for no longer than 2 mins (which I only went in for 1 min), they ditched me and left me there. I was so frustrated at my friend that I was thinking of just going home. I just couldn't believe how selfish and immature that was of her. Of course I know that I should be the one who shouldn't have gone in the first place but the fact that she just left me on my own really ticked me off. I know that they knew I was really pissed off. I just hope that they learnt their lesson - i'm a self-centred motherfucker thank you very much. On the bright side, I met one of my friend's unofficial girlfriend. They were quite cute together and were really shy about being together. They haven't even discussed anything beyond going on a date. I wish them all the best.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but I am currently on holidays. I really want to just sit back and study but i'm not sure how successful I will be at taking the first step to doing so. There's so much running through my head right now but I don't feel like doing anything. It's been a long day and if I bother, I will add more to this post later on today. I hope you all have a great sleep. Good night!

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