Sunday, August 19, 2012

Scum and Everyday Stuff

Harassment by a pig

There is this one fat, ugly scum at my school who, because he smokes and is larger than me, thinks he can harass me. My intuition is telling me to stand up for myself but I can't since I know that he would probably bash me, or worse, call him cousins/friends to bash me. It's really frustrating and it's people like him that make me hate my school. It's changing my view of my school - I consider a majority of the people at my school scum (scumbags, whatever you want to call them). I just hope that it stops. He's been trying to go overseas, which I can't wait to happen, but he can't due to some issues that I don't know. He's also supposed to be leaving school (dropping out) but he can't for some reason or another. I'd probably celebrate if it ever happened.

One thing i'm sure of is that I know that I'll at least have one friend who'd stand by me, even though we aren't as close. My other friend, who I'm fairly close to since we have similar interests and tastes, wouldn't do the same. I've given up finding out why. I don't think it's worth out. I guess that shows the kind of friendships I have. I am the clingy type so I guess whatever goes, goes.

What happened today...

I woke up early today and got a haircut. I really liked it since it makes my head look less round (like a tomato) and the styling was good too. I just had a shower and it looks completely different. I need to learn to style my own hair or else I won't be cool (JOKES).

After my haircut I went to a local internet cafe (yes, maybe I should live in one) and I overstayed meaning that I was late for tutoring. That totally sucked since it meant that I wouldn't be able to stay out late when I get to the city, which happened. I just missed the early (usual) train to the city so I had to wait half an hour. I did some revision while waiting and also on the train. As usual, I felt a bit light-headed and couldn't think very well (fast).

Once I got to the city, I bought some sushi (beef teriyaki and ebi prawn) and a 1.5L of coke. I made my way to the internet cafe and stayed for a while, not as much as I liked to. It was.. relaxing.

I went home via train which arrived on time and I caught the bus shortly after I got off at my stop. It usually takes about 5-20 mins for the buses to arrive but luckily it came in 2 mins. It was just my luck. When I arrived home, I had leftover sausage sizzle from breakfast so that was dinner. My parents were out with my aunty for dinner so I asked them to buy me deep fried pork chops with curry and rice from a nice and cheap japanese restaurant we often go to. You can probably tell I love japanese food. What I love the most though is Italian food.

NTS: write a post about Italian food.

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