Saturday, August 18, 2012

Public Transport, Dinner and Daily Routines

Studying = Headaches

I caught the train home from the internet cafe and decided to do some math problems (You see, I have a math exam on monday) which was not the best idea. After doing 7 basic questions, my head started hurting. It often occurs whilst I'm travelling. I can't read books in the car yet I can on the train. My head felt so foggy and when I got home I did absolutely no study.

Dinner = Vomit

We went out for dinner a bit after and I ate quite a lot. Adding dessert to that wasn't a good idea. I went to the washroom to wash my hands (at times, i'm quite the clean freak) and maybe it was the putrid urinal smell or the like but I slightly threw up the banana frittata. That reminded me of this morning where after I brushed my teeth, I started regurgitating but since I hadn't eaten yet, all that came out was saliva. I was recently sick and I think my body wasn't used to me eating so much. I lost some weight which is good (i'm been gorging on fatty foods since I had exams) and everything just seemed to connect.

Last words...

I guess I should be going to sleep now. I need to wake up early and get a haircut tomorrow. I've also got tutoring on so it's going to be an exciting day. I honestly do not know what style to get my hair cut. I often just tell them to shorten it but I guess I want a new style.

It's 11.17pm in Australia right now so I will be going to bed now. I hope you all have a great sleep, especially if it's raining where you are. I will post more tomorrow!

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