Monday, August 20, 2012

Today, I Love Sia, Is Life Procrastination


I have been so lazy this year. I've always left my assessments until the last minute and I wonder why I'm not getting the marks that I used. I keep blaming myself as well as my peers and teachers but it comes down to myself. An assignment is due tomorrow and I have yet to start it.

I expect so much more out of myself, and I believe others do too. I really want to just work do what I have to do and get it over and done with. My marks in the past were extremely good: I was placing 2nd/3rd each year. Maybe because I was conceited or cocky, but I honestly did not put in the effort. If I did, I believe that I would have done so much better.

In Australia, each subject is worth units with most worth 2 units where the extension subjects are worth 1 unit. In year 11, we have to have a combined minimum of 12 units and in year 12, we only need 10 to be applicable fo an atar. I currently have 13 and am thinking of picking up an extension and then dropping to 10 units. This has been on my mind all year and I am yet to make a decision. I'm really indecisive you see. The typical question that pops up in my head right now is why can't life be easier. I could get into a debate in my head if I wanted to...

Music: David Guetta feat. Sia - She Wolf (Falling to Pieces)

I am honestly in love with Sia's music. My friend reintroduced me to her 2 years ago and when Titanium was released, I fell in love with her even more. Unlike many "pop" artists, when she's live, she sounds just like the record, not some autotune version of it. Honestly speaking, I don't mind that some artists can't sing their song live. It would be better if they could but I'm just happy they're doing what they love, and releasing "good" music (to my tastes).

Sia's latest song as you can see from the heading, is another smash. It is similar to titanium in the sense that it's got the awesome beat by Guetta and the perfect vocals by Sia. I will put the link below but I honestly love that this isn't a mainstream song about drinking/partying/drugs with little or no meaning. I don't want to think about it right now but I can tell that there's some meaning behind this song; it's written by Sia!

I hope they continue to collaborate on more songs together because they are a perfect combination; Guetta's addictive beats and Sia's perfect vocals.

Here's the link which you can stream the song online. You can buy it too but I would buying it from iTunes if it is out.

Today, not tonight


Today, I have my deep and meaningful with my closest friend. I love how I can tell him everything. I don't know what I'd do without him. For me, it's people like him that help me want to keep living. I was in the slumps and each time he gives me advice and gets me out of there. He's truly an amazing person.


Today was one of those math-controlled days. I had a math exam this morning and I know that I failed. Since it's an extension, it's expected that the class average is around 40-50% since the exams are extremely difficult, possibly harder than the HSC. I just hope i'm not in the bottom percentage where letters are sent home. I honestly did not study for the exam since I was too lazy and tired yesterday.
NTS: I need to pick up my game. Prioritise = Success. (maybe not?)

Assessments = Procrastination = All-nighters

I going to have a nap now since I have an assessment due tomorrow. I hope that I will be able to do an all-nighter and finish my assessment. I will have to start and finish overnight so this nap/half-sleep (4 hours) will hopefully be able to keep me up.

Hopes and aspirations are a fancy way of saying "what is your plan"

If i'm bothered, I'm thinking of being more organised with my posts. I am currently experimenting on a format I will try to stick with for my posts but I don't have to. I know the reason I started this blog was to just express my thoughts but I want this blog to be successful and people, I believe, like stability and like to know. Once all my exams are over, which is in 4 weeks, I will have something planned. I know it's a month away but I hope that I will be regularly posting new posts.

NTS: make a technology post. (I don't think I will be reading over my past posts for a while...)

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